Family Based Immigration

Reuniting Families Through Marriage-Based Green Cards

At DMJ Immigration Services, I understand the significance of reuniting families, and my Family-Based Immigration Services extend to marriage-based green card applications. As part of my commitment, I help spouses of U.S. citizens or permanent residents navigate the process of obtaining a marriage-based green card. I guide you through the entire application process, from gathering the necessary documents to attending interviews and responding to any inquiries from immigration authorities. My mission is to ensure that your journey to reunite with your loved one in the United States is seamless and successful.

Take the Leap to Success!

Reach out to DMJ Immigration Consultant and embark on your journey to a thriving career or permanent residency in the United States.

Bringing Parents, Children, and Siblings to the USA

At DMJ Immigration Services, I believe in fostering strong family ties, and my Family-Based Immigration Services include bringing parents, children, and siblings to join their loved ones in the USA. As part of my commitment, I am well-versed in the complexities of these applications and strive to provide expert guidance and personalized solutions. Whether you’re seeking to bring aging parents to be closer to family or reunite with siblings, I am here to navigate the process with care and expertise.



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